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Monthly Archives: July 2011

Summer 2011 Newsletter

Please check out our Summer 2011 Newsletter for recent legislative developments and events:  Summer 2011

Posted in Newsletters

“Talking The Talk”

Terry Franzen spoke at GIADA’s Annual Convention on Employment Issues Facing Dealers in Atlanta in July.  In August, Terry will chair the Consumer Financial Services Committee meeting at ABA’s Annual Meeting in Toronto. Terry will speak at ACI’s Residential Mortgage

Posted in "Talking The Talk"/Conferences

Invitation to Attend ACI’s Mortgage Fraud Conference at a Discount

Loretta Salzano will be speaking at ACI’s 7th National Forum on Preventing, Detecting and Resolving Mortgage Fraud on October 24-25, 2011 at the Washington Marriott in Washington, D.C.  You are invited to attend at a special rate of $1695.  Please

Posted in "Talking The Talk"/Conferences

Franzen and Salzano and the ABA’s Commission on Women in the Profession

101 Women’s Journeys to Starting Their Own Firms,  American Bar Association’s Commission on Women in the Profession. We are excited to announce that our firm was included in this just published ABA book. You may read more about it and order

Posted in Articles & Publications

Second Chance! Invitation to Attend ACI’s Residential Mortgage Conference at a Discount

Terry Franzen will be speaking at ACI’s 7TH Residential Mortgage Litigation & Regulatory Enforcement conference, Sept. 20-21, 2011, at The Adolphus in Dallas.  This is certainly shaping up to be the place to be.  Because Terry is speaking at the conference, there

Posted in "Talking The Talk"/Conferences
