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Monthly Archives: January 2012

Winter 2011-2012 Newsletter

Please check out our Winter 2011-2012 Newsletter for the latest legislative developments and events. Winter 2011-2012 Newsletter

Posted in Newsletters

Special Interest

Terry Franzen will lead a medical mission team from Christ Episcopal Church, Norcross to Haiti on March 9 – 17.  The team will staff three mobile medical and dental clinics and see between 600-700 people over a three day period. 

Posted in Announcements

“Talking The Talk”

Terry Franzen will judge the UGA School of Law Transactional Law Competition in February.  In March, Terry will chair the ABA Consumer Financial Services Committee meeting in Las Vegas and speak on Defense of Foreclosure Litigation at ACI’s 8th National

Posted in "Talking The Talk"/Conferences

Second Chance! Invitation to attend ACI’s Residential Mortgage Conference at a Discount

Just a reminder that I’m speaking at ACI’s Residential Mortgage Litigation & Regulatory Compliance conference on March 29-30, 2012, at The Hamilton Crowne Plaza in Washington, D.C.  Given the unparalled in-house, judicial and government presence at this conference, this is

Posted in "Talking The Talk"/Conferences
