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Monthly Archives: October 2015

MBA Super Session and ACI Residential Mortgage and Consumer Finance Class Actions Conferences

Loretta will be moderating the Super Session at MBA’s Annual Convention & Expo on October 21, 2015 in San Diego, California.  This is the last session on the last day of the conference and allows attendees to ask follow up

Posted in "Talking The Talk"/Conferences

Careful what you wish for … CFPB Guidance on MSAs

After weeks of hinting, today the CFPB issued Compliance Bulletin 2015-05 trumpeting louder than ever its concern over marketing services agreements (MSAs). While MSAs are not per se illegal, it is clear that the CFPB is suspicious about the legitimacy

Posted in Hot Topics

Upcoming Fall Conferences: ABA, ACI, CCFL, and More!

Terry will be speaking at or chairing the following conferences: ABA’s Sixth National Institute on Consumer Financial Services Basics on October 8-9, 2015 at the Waterview Conference Center in Arlington, VA.  This annual in-person educational institute is designed to expose

Posted in "Talking The Talk"/Conferences
