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Monthly Archives: December 2015

Fall 2015 Announcements

We are pleased to announce that Terry Franzén received the ABA Business Law Section’s Chairman’s Award at the BLS Annual Meeting. Congratulations, Terry!

Posted in Announcements, Newsletters

Fall 2015 Federal Highlights

CFPB Updates HOEPA Points and Fees and ATR-QM Thresholds The CFPB issued a final rule amending the high-cost mortgage thresholds and the qualified mortgage thresholds in Regulation Z. The amendments are effective January 1, 2016. Under Regulation Z, certain loans

Posted in Federal Highlights, Newsletters

Fall 2015 Multi-State Legislation

Multi-state Mortgage Committee Issues Guidance On Expectations Regarding Use of Electronic Examinations Tools The Multi-state Mortgage Committee (“MMC”) issued an Industry Bulletin relating to the use of electronic examinations tools. The MMC is a committee of state mortgage regulators appointed

Posted in Newsletters

Fall 2015 States In Brief

California DBO Provides Translated Loan Estimates The California Department of Business Oversight prepared translated versions of the Loan Estimate required by the TILA/RESPA Integrated Disclosure Rule (“TRID”). California requires a lender who negotiates in Spanish, Chinese, Tagalog, Vietnamese, or Korean

Posted in Newsletters, States In Brief

Fall 2015 “Talking The Talk”

Terry Franzén, Loretta Salzano and Jenny Dozier will be speaking on a variety of hot topics at key conferences throughout the country. Conference attendance is a great way to stay informed on the latest happenings in the industry – and

Posted in "Talking The Talk"/Conferences, Newsletters
