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Monthly Archives: February 2017

Winter 2016-2017 Announcements

Introducing Charley Michael Dozier! Charley was born to Jenny and Mike Dozier on December 23, 2016. Charley weighed 8 lbs 8oz and is 21 inches long. Mom, Dad, big sister Lucy and Charley are all doing well!

Posted in Announcements, Newsletters

Winter 2016-2017 Hot Topics

Feel like you’re in a shaken snow globe? So do we! February brought the worst “vacation” we’ve seen when the industry-favorable PHH decision was vacated. We’ll have to await the en banc review for a ruling on the CFPB’s constitutionality

Posted in Hot Topics, Newsletters

Winter 2016-2017 States In Brief

Florida The Florida Department of Financial Services revised its regulations governing the licensing mortgage loan originators. Specifically, the regulations streamline the process for individuals applying for a loan originator license. Nevada The Nevada Commissioner of Mortgage Lending adopted regulations with

Posted in Newsletters, States In Brief

Winter 2016-2017 Federal Highlights

CFPB Compliance Bulletin and Policy Guidance The CFPB revised its 2012 bulletin on oversight of third party service providers to make clear that supervised banks and non-banks may adopt a risk-based approach which is not “one size fits all.” The

Posted in Federal Highlights, Newsletters

Winter 2016-2017 “Talking The Talk”

Loretta Salzano will be speaking on a variety of hot topics at key conferences throughout the country. Conference attendance is a great way to stay informed on the latest happenings in the industry – and it provides a fabulous opportunity

Posted in "Talking The Talk"/Conferences, Newsletters
