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Monthly Archives: February 2021

Winter 2020-2021 Hot Topics

Loretta Salzano was recently featured in RESPA News warning lenders about the FDIC’s amped up attention to marketing service agreements (“MSAs”) and co-marketing with real estate professionals. Even those not supervised by the FDIC should be on guard in response

Posted in Hot Topics, Newsletters

Winter 2020-2021 Announcements

Announcing Nora Page McCraw! Nora was born to Alicia and Madison McCraw on January 27, 2021. She weighed in at 6 pounds 20 ounces. Please join us in congratulating Alicia and Madison!

Posted in Announcements, Newsletters

Winter 2020-2021 Federal Highlights

Presidential Memorandum Regarding Fair Housing Act On January 26, 2021, President Biden issued a memorandum to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development directing the Secretary to examine the effects of various fair housing rules, including HUD’s disparate impact standard

Posted in Federal Highlights, Newsletters

Winter 2020-2021 States In Brief

Colorado Colorado revised regulations governing mortgage loan originators and mortgage companies. The amendments to the regulations were effective January 1, 2021. Florida Florida recently adopted a regulation related to loan originator, mortgage broker, and mortgage lender licenses. The regulation was

Posted in Newsletters, States In Brief

Winter 2020-2021 “Talking The Talk”

Loretta Salzano and Jenny Dozier will be speaking on a variety of hot topics at key conferences throughout the country. Conference attendance is a great way to stay informed on the latest happenings in the industry – and it provides

Posted in "Talking The Talk"/Conferences, Newsletters
