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Monthly Archives: December 2023

Winter 2023-2024 Federal Highlights

Revised Dollar Amount and Thresholds Under Federal High-Cost and Qualified Mortgage Provisions The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (“CFPB”) issued a final rule amending the high-cost mortgage thresholds and the qualified mortgage thresholds in Regulation Z. The amendments are effective January

Posted in Federal Highlights, Newsletters

Winter 2023-2024 States In Brief

Arizona The Arizona Department of Insurance and Financial Institutions adopted amendments to its regulations governing consumer loans, which are open and closed end loans of $10,000 or less. The amendments to the rule were effective October 7, 2023. Arizona passed

Posted in Newsletters, States In Brief

Winter 2023-2024 “Talking The Talk”

Loretta Salzano and Jenny Dozier will be speaking on a variety of hot topics at conferences throughout the country. To find out more about where Loretta and Jenny will be speaking, please click on the Events tab at the top

Posted in "Talking The Talk"/Conferences, Newsletters
