Blog Archives

Fall 2012 “Talking The Talk”

Terry Franzén provided “Mortgage Quick Shots” at the Georgia Bankers Association Financial Risk Management Conference in Atlanta and spoke at the 2012 CRA and Fair Lending Colloquium on “Keeping up with the CFPB” in San Antonio in November.  Terry will

Posted in "Talking The Talk"/Conferences, Newsletters

Invitation to Attend ACI’s Residential Mortgage Litigation and Regulatory Enforcement Conference at a Discount

I will be speaking at ACI’s 10th National Forum on Residential Mortgage Litigation and Regulatory Enforcement on January 17 – 18, 2013 at the Marriott Fisherman’s Wharf in San Francisco.  We’re very excited about what’s going to take place! By

Posted in "Talking The Talk"/Conferences

ABA’s Consumer Financial Services Basics Seminar

I will be speaking at the Consumer Financial Services Basics 2012 Business Law National Institute on October 8-9, 2012 at American University Washington College of Law in Washington, DC.   This Business Law National Institute provides a fantastic learning experience for

Posted in "Talking The Talk"/Conferences

Summer 2012 “Talking The Talk”

Terry Franzén will chair the Consumer Financial Services Committee Meeting at ABA’s Annual Meeting in Chicago and speak on Avoiding Deceptive Advertising at the Automotive Training Solutions webinar in August.  In September, Terry will participate in a foreclosure litigation panel

Posted in "Talking The Talk"/Conferences, Newsletters

Invitation to Attend ACI’s Residential Mortgage Litigation and Regulatory Enforcement Conference at a Discount

Just a reminder that I will be speaking at ACI’s Residential Mortgage Litigation and Regulatory Enforcement conference on September 27 – 28, 2012 at The Adolphus Hotel in Dallas TX.  Registrations for this conference are pouring in and it is

Posted in "Talking The Talk"/Conferences

Invitation to Attend ACI’s Residential Mortgage Conference at a Discount

I will be speaking at ACI’s Residential Mortgage Litigation and Regulatory Enforcement conference on September 27 – 28, 2012 at The Adolphus Hotel in Dallas TX.  There is a specially created unpublished rate of $1,795 for you if you register

Posted in "Talking The Talk"/Conferences

Spring 2012 “Talking The Talk”

“TALKING THE TALK” Terry Franzèn will chair the ABA Consumer Financial Services meeting in Chicago in August. Loretta Salzano will give a Compliance Law Update at the 2012 AgFirst Farm Credit Compliance Conference in Orlando, participate in a panel discussion

Posted in "Talking The Talk"/Conferences, Newsletters

“Talking The Talk”

Terry Franzen will judge the UGA School of Law Transactional Law Competition in February.  In March, Terry will chair the ABA Consumer Financial Services Committee meeting in Las Vegas and speak on Defense of Foreclosure Litigation at ACI’s 8th National

Posted in "Talking The Talk"/Conferences

Second Chance! Invitation to attend ACI’s Residential Mortgage Conference at a Discount

Just a reminder that I’m speaking at ACI’s Residential Mortgage Litigation & Regulatory Compliance conference on March 29-30, 2012, at The Hamilton Crowne Plaza in Washington, D.C.  Given the unparalled in-house, judicial and government presence at this conference, this is

Posted in "Talking The Talk"/Conferences

RESPA Audio Seminar

In our continuing efforts to make you aware of the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act issues and risks that could affect your business, I wanted to invite you to an upcoming RESPRO® Audio Seminar on Tuesday, December 13 @ 3pm

Posted in "Talking The Talk"/Conferences


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