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News & Resources

FREE Webinar and Discount for ACI’s Consumer Finance Class Actions Conference

Loretta Salzano will be presenting on hot enforcement and exam topics, and proposed regulations that stand to impact lending operations at a FREE webinar this Thursday, October 16th from 2pm – 3pm ET. To register for this FREE webinar, please

Posted in "Talking The Talk"/Conferences

The Law of Truth in Lending Is Now Available!

The much anticipated The Law of Truth in Lending has been released!  The Law of Truth in Lending, an update to Truth in Lending that published in 2000, provides comprehensive coverage of The Truth in Lending Act (TIL) through 2013,

Posted in Announcements, Resources Links

Invitation To Attend ACI’s 3rd Mortgage Servicing Compliance Conference at a Discount

I will be speaking at ACI’s 3rd Bank & Non-Bank Forum on Mortgage Servicing Compliance on November 20-21, 2014 at the Washington Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in Washington, D.C.  Expanded mortgage servicing probes and streamlined mortgage licensing are at the

Posted in "Talking The Talk"/Conferences

Summer 2014 Announcements

The firm’s employees and their families gathered together for a time of fun and relaxation at the annual retreat held this year at the Evergreen Marriott Resort in Stone Mountain, Georgia.  Activities included golf, swimming, spa treatments, a spectacular laser

Posted in Announcements, Newsletters

Summer 2014 Federal Highlights

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) issued an interim final rule defining the types of VA loans that are “qualified mortgages” for purposes of the ability to repay requirements of TILA and Regulation Z.  The interim final rule is effective

Posted in Federal Highlights, Newsletters

Summer 2014 States In Brief

Arizona HB 2018 The Governor of Arizona signed into law HB 2018 relating to Arizona’s anti-deficiency statutes.  This legislation is effective July 24, 2014. Arizona HB 2098 The Governor of Arizona signed into law HB 2098 relating to loan originators. 

Posted in Newsletters, States In Brief

Summer 2014 “Talking The Talk”

Terry Franzén will participate in a round table discussion on Litigation Trends at the Mountain States Justice Annual Conference  in Lewisburg, WV in July.  In October, Terry will speak on Litigation and Regulatory Enforcement at ABA’s National Institute in Baltimore. 

Posted in "Talking The Talk"/Conferences, Newsletters

Spring 2014 Announcements

The firm gathered together to throw a baby shower for Sharmin Arefin, who is expecting her second child, a baby girl, in July.  Congratulations to Sharmin, Marcel and big brother, Zain! We are proud to announce that Jenny Dozier is

Posted in Announcements, Newsletters

Spring 2014 Federal Highlights

The CFPB issued a report regarding “pain points” for consumers in mortgage loan closings.  Among other things, the CFPB noted that consumers feel (1) there is not enough time to review documents in advance of or during closing; (2) the

Posted in Federal Highlights, Newsletters

Spring 2014 States In Brief

Arkansas Amendments to Fair Lending Act The Arkansas Securities Department revised its rules regarding Qualifications for Licensure; Licensee Duties; Recordkeeping; Prohibited Activities and Practice and Procedure.  The amendments were effective February 9, 2014. Georgia HB 750 The Governor of Georgia

Posted in Newsletters, States In Brief
